There’s so much happening behind the scenes at SRIM to ensure our clients receive the most quality, reliable products possible. To bring our exceptional production process to light, we’ve outlined our key capabilities below. Keep reading to learn the benefits you’ll receive when you choose to do business with us.
Whether you have a completely new concept for a product, or you have an existing design you would like to improve, SRIM offers the plastic injection molding engineering services you need. We can provide targeted technical design assistance to support your own in-house engineering staff.
Our press sizes range from 55 ton to 500 ton in a clean, climate controlled shop running three shifts each day. We're here to manage the plastic part manufacturing projects from concept to completion, including:
Concept and development
Part and mold design
Mold flow analysis
Rapid prototyping
Material selection, sourcing & testing
Tool quality
Process setup
Product testing
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Read more about our Plastic Injection Molding and Light Assembly capabilities.